Don’t sweat the small stuff
Relax and enjoy life. That is the secret to make you look younger at any age. No matter how hard life is if you learn to take things lightly and not so seriously, you will look younger.
Smiling makes you look younger for many years. You look younger and feel younger when you wear that lovely smile on your face.
Beautify your hair
Hair contributes a lot to the physical appearance of a person. If you want to look younger then you have to take care of your hair and have it trimmed regularly. A nice hair cut that accentuates the face attributes to a younger look as well.
Take care of skin
You will look younger if your skin is smooth and glossy. A healthy diet will keep your skin looking young.
Sound sleep and rest also helps your skin keep its fresh-looking texture.
Eat healthier
Eating healthy foods will help you to look younger. It is important that you maintain a healthy diet so that you will always be healthy.
Avoid too much salt, sweets, coffee and alcohol. Vegetables and fruit are full of antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals and make you look and feel younger.
Take supplements of 800 mg of alpha-lipoic acid and 2,000 mg of acetyl-L-carnitine daily to look younger. These supplements in these amounts increase the energy of mitochondria that power cells.Taking vitamin D supplements is also important for keeping skin young.
Enjoy life
No matter what you are doing it is important that you enjoy life so that you will look younger. If you are enjoying your life then you will not be stressed.
Regular Exercise
Exercise can make you look younger because it keeps you healthy. The healthier you are, the younger you look so it is important that you have a regular exercise.
If you're overweight, lose those extra pounds. People should weigh what they weighed when they were 18. Lifting weights will help build muscle, which will help increase metabolism and keep you toned. The best way to measure your progress is to measure your waist and hips. Bodies tend to shift weight around as people age. Keeping weight from accumulating around the middle body area will help make you look and feel younger.
Be Sociable and Have Fun
Having lots of friends will keep you happy and busy, which will help you to enjoy life; thus helping you also to look younger.
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