Many women dream of bigger breasts. A well-rounded figure makes many women feel more comfortable, confident and desirable. If you are looking for an alternative to breast enhancement surgery, you are in luck. There are natural alternatives such as exercising, eating healthy foods and herbs to aid in breast enhancement, and breast massages. For the most effective results it is best to incorporate all three methods into your daily routine.
Exercise Chest
Developing chest muscles will help improve the size of your breasts. A well-toned body will strengthen the chest and shoulders which plays a major role in carrying your breasts. A well toned chest and straight posture will enhance and make your breast look bigger and fuller and works wonders for your overall self appearance.
Breast Massage
Breast massage as a method of natural breast enlargement and breast health has actually been used for years as a means of stimulating healthy breast growth and promoting breast tone, pliability and firmness.
Breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful bustline by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast.
By massaging the breasts on a regular basis, many women have claimed it has enhanced the shape, size and overall attractiveness of their breast. It is best to use a breast enhancement cream or lubricant to prevent friction and increase the enjoyment and relaxation of the massage. Gently massage the breast using a counter-clockwise circle around the breast for stimulation. For maximum benefit, breasts should be massaged at least daily preferably after a shower when skin is still moist.
Essential Foods to Increase Your Breast Size
Hormonal imbalance can be one reason why women have small breasts. If the female body produces too much of the male hormone, testosterone, it hinders the growth of breasts. So keep your testosterone production within the normal level by reducing your carb intake and getting more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, the female hormone, estrogen, causes breast enlargement and is responsible for the distinguishing appearance of a mature female breast.
Estrogen Rich Foods
Foods that are high in estrogen are soy products. Soybean and products made from it are known for their natural estrogen as well as dairy being another good source of natural estrogen. Flax seeds also provide you with natural estrogen and are very good for your overall health.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables regulate the testosterone level in your body. It also contributes to your overall health. Just like whole grains such as oats, wheat and barley, they can also help in increasing your breast size because they contain a high percentage of fiber. Red cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli can prevent cancer cells from developing. In addition, fruits such as blueberries and strawberries contain anthocyanins that protect your cells from free-radical damage.
Spices and Herbs
Spices and Herbs are a natural way of increasing breast size. Fenugreek contains compounds that increase healthy breast tissue. Saw palmetto contains phyto-nutrients in addition to supporting healthy appetites and smooth digestion of food. Wild yam is a widely used breast enlarger and sexual stimulant. Fennel is used to increase breast size and promote milk production in new mothers. You can often find herbal supplements that enhance breast size and firmness in convenient capsule and cream form.
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